social entrepreneurs, social start-ups, coworker and young people with migration background on their way of becoming self-employed



  • YaweBuna aims at making the trade in coffee between Ethiopia and Germany more fair through local coffee roasting and coffee refinement in Ethiopia. The local and sustainable coffee roasting process is supposed to create an added value for the local economy and population in Ethiopia.

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    Viele Mädchen verlassen die Schule und werden sehr früh verheiratet. Seit einigen Jahre versuche ich durch mein Engagement diesen Frauen zu helfen autonom zu werden. In Bürkina Faso sterben außerdem viel Menschen, weil es dort keine geeigneten Dialysezentrem gibt. Eine Nierenerkrankung kann heutzutage jedoch behandelt werden und muss nicht gleich zum Tod führen.

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    DIENSTELLE ist eine Internetplattform, auf der sich Menschen sowie Unternehmen begegnen, die eine Beschäftigung/Dienstleistung jeglicher Art suchen und solche die ihre Arbeitskraft anbieten.

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    "you can't copy love" ist der Titel meines Podcasts, welcher über die Erfolgsgeschichten von Muslimen in unserer Gesellschaft erzählt. Nach meinem Vorbild-Podcast "Role Models" möchte auch ich Interviews führen und andere für mich Reden lassen.

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    Fresh Fruits Movement [FFM] is a growing organic platform for people coming together and making positive things happen as a community. No fast-food-events or microwave competitions. FFM represents all the effort we put into the Hip Hop and House culture in Frankfurt/Germany – and beyond.

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    We work mainly with start-ups, young companies and artists and replace the need for an internal media team. Our goal is to bring every project to the highest quality standards, using our "know-how" and commitment to the craft industry.

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    Hey, let`s go for an interactive trip around the city!


    A cultural week in the heart of Frankfurt, the Gutleutviertel. The main part is an interactive walk through the quartier:

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    You REALLY want to live sustainably? Not pro forma but so that you demonstrably relieve nature and the environment and contribute your personal share to achieve the 1.5° goal? Then you are a potential worldwatcher =>worldwatchers is the world's first guide to MEASURABLE sustainable consumption.

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    My biggest dream is to open a teahouse in order to bring people closer to the East Asian (tea-) culture. However, I want to start with building an online-shop first where you can find certain tee accessories (teapots, teasets, all types of tea) from Vietnam.

    Read more is an online platform for the booking and placement of hairdressers and beauticians.

    The platform enables customers to quickly and easily find qualified service providers at a fair price in the immediate vicinity.

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